Maya motion path
Maya motion path

maya motion path

If you are planning to use one of our tools in a studio, we would be grateful if you could let us know. Stroke Mode (Ctrl + click a keyframe and drag with the draw context activated).Motion Path settings are saved in maya preferences.Customizable settings, such as colors and sizes.Offset Paste 3D key frames positions onto other objects.World Paste 3D key frames positions onto other objects.Copy 3D key frames positions inside the Maya viewport.Closest: move the keys to the closest point on the drawn stroke Spread: distributes keys uniformly along the drawn point With the draw tool on, ctrl+click on a keyframe and drag to activate stroke mode.For objects with incoming connections, such as constraints or set driven keys, a baked/non-editable path is shown.

maya motion path

Optional rotational key frame visualization.Optional key frame tangents visualization.Optional “Use Pivots” mode to take modified pivots into account.Our Motion Path tool is the ultimate solution for real-time visualization and editing of your animations in 3D space.

Maya motion path