As the meanest, maddest and baddest convict in Morton high security prison you have been offered the chance to earn your freedom - by committing yourself to the suicide mission of cleaning up Atlantis. Virtual holiday makers have been successfully extracted but now somebody has to go in to the resort to clean it up. The CyberResort of Atlantis has become infected with a deadly virus. "Atlantis - The Last Resort" Promotional Video, 20MB MPEG-1 File

Also a rare glimpse at the much delayed but eventually released Labyrinth of Crete from Cliff Johnson. Upcoming releases featured include Dead End, Microcosm which were cancelled after months sometimes years of development. "Philips Media Games Preview" Promotional Video, 33MB MPEG-1 FileĪ games reel for various Philips Media releases with Lemmings, Space Ace, Link, Dragon's Lair, Mad Dog and Mutant Rampage but to mention a few of the titles. Full support including player compatibility listings and details about how to obtain your CD-i players ROM is also provided. From this official website you can demo a time limited release of the emulator bearing in mind you need the full original CD-i ROM (BIOS) in order for the emulator to function. CD-i Emulator The first fully functional emulator for Philips CD-i system has been released named simply as CD-i Emulator.